Wednesday, May 29, 2013

ICOM Europe Conference: Public Policies towards Museums in Times of Crisis

City of Lisbon, Portugal

In April 2013, I participated in a conference in Lisbon on the funding crisis facing museums in Europe, which was sponsored by ICOM. I was also invited to speak on “the Canadian experience”.

I was eager to attend this conference and to learn more about how museums in Europe are dealing with the massive cuts. While there, I heard many horror stories but felt the hope of my museological colleagues. There have been many closures of museums, aggressive programs for merging museums, rushed privatization of some sites, and many layoffs. These extensive changes have even paralyzed many museums. The seriousness of the situation was very evident in Lisbon where youth unemployment is over 50% and the economy is stagnant.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Black Wolf Squadron

The story of the first transcontinental flight to land in Whitehorse

As we embrace the northern spirit before making the trek to our 66th CMA National Conference, we'd like to share this fascinating article about the first transcontinental flight to land in Whitehorse, Yukon. We hope you enjoy this little piece of history as you prepare to make your way north.

The first powered flight in aviation history — when the Wright brothers flew the Flyer in North Carolina — lasted 12 seconds and covered 36.5 metres. Just 17 years later, the United States Army developed an audacious plan: a 14,500-kilometre transcontinental flight. No one, military or otherwise, had attempted such a feat. 

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Membership Corner | Le coin des membres

Hello Megan,
I am a CMA member but I am not receiving the daily news clippings. I may not have signed up for it. Do I need to do something in order to receive it by email? Let me know. Thanks for your help. 
— Susan

Since starting with the CMA back in October I’ve received several questions regarding subscription to our exclusive CMA Clipping Service. For those of you who are not familiar with it, the Clipping Service provides subscribers with a daily email that links them to museum news and headlines from publications across Canada in both French and English. It covers everything from record breaking art sales and controversial exhibitions, to new museum appointments and programming success stories. The Clipping Service offers museum professionals and enthusiasts a convenient and reliable way to stay on top of current affairs in the field.